Dalila Project
DALILA is a capacity-building project funded by EACEA, the Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union. The main objective of the project proposal is to establish n. 6 new courses on “Renewable Technologies” and “Green Business creation and development” in 2 Universities in Tanzania and 2 in Uganda DALILA counts on a multidisciplinary approach by offering all universities involved technological and economic subjects both oriented towards the world of energy, the correct use and management of which is the key to sustainable and green economic and social growth. DALILA also wants to be a bridge between Higher Education and labor market by focusing of the transfer of both theoretical and practical skills, identifying and bringing together stakeholders and creating links and synergies between companies and those who will be the professionals of tomorrow, preparing them to be the engine of positive change for their Countries. (see Partnership).

The EU and the African Union
"Africa and Europe are sister continents. We share many of today's challenges. Together, we can turn the green and digital transformation of our economies into opportunities for our youth".
President Ursula von der Leyen shares her message to our African partners. See the video

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Dalila inclusion policy
In order to promote an equal access of vulnerable students (whereas vulnerability is intended considering gender, disabilities and poor socio-economic conditions) to Dalila project's activities it will be provided:
- Elimination of architectural barriers for disables in the new technical laboratories
- Inclusive evaluation processes for the section of students to involve in the activities of WP4 and WP5 which provides a fair and equal evaluation of the CVs and socio-economic backgrounds of students. In particular for WP5, a share of not less than 30% of students selected for those activities will be reserved to disadvantaged students